4 Signs Your Windshield Damage Is Repairable


If your windshield has a crack or chip, you might think that your only option is to have the entire thing replaced. However, companies that specialize in auto glass repair can sometimes repair windshields rather than replacing them. These are a few signs that this might be an option. 1. The Damage Isn't in the Driver's Line of Vision If the damage to your windshield is directly in your line of vision when you're in the driver's seat, you might have to have your windshield replaced.

27 February 2017

Considering Buying an Electric Car? Get Answers to the Questions You May Have About the Federal Tax Credit

Automotive Blog

If you are in the market for a new car, you may be thinking about getting an electric car. An electric car can be plugged into a charging port. This port charges the battery of the car, which then allows you to use the vehicle without the need for fuel. Currently, the federal government is offering up to a $7,500 tax credit to those who purchase this type of new automobile.

21 February 2017

Why You Should Listen To Your Ring And Pinion

Automotive Blog

Ring and pinion gears will experience symptoms that should not be ignored because these symptoms can be warning signs of a prematurely failing gear. A common sign that your gears are about to fail is that you experience a clunking noise. However, to really diagnose the problem, you will need to consider the type of gears that you are working with.  The Type Of Gear Knowing the type of gears you have is important because there are some gears that are noisier than others.

27 January 2017

Saving Money On Your 1972 Corvette Restoration

Automotive Blog

If you've recently purchased a 72 Chevrolet Corvette, or you've inherited one, chances are, it may need just a little fixing up, or possibly a lot. Getting your hands on parts, accessories and paint can be challenging and expensive. To save money, you'll have to know who to contact and also how to negotiate the asking price. Here are just a few tips that you can use when it comes to saving money on parts and restoration.

12 December 2016

What To Do When Your Car Breaks Down On The Highway: Tips For You

Automotive Blog

When you are traveling on the highway out in the country, the last thing you expect is to have a problem with your car. However, this is always a possibility and is something that you should be aware of in case it does occur. Whether it is a blown tire or an engine malfunction, there are certain steps that you can and should take to prepare for an emergency on the highway as well as steps that you should take when a car breakdown happens.

8 December 2016

Two Signs That The Suspension System In Your Car Is Damaged

Automotive Blog

Although you may not pay much attention to it, the suspension system in your car is one of the most important components of the vehicle.  The suspension system enhances the driving experience by increasing the friction between the tires and the road.  This increased friction makes it possible for the car to remain steady while it's in motion.  However, if you're not familiar with the workings of the suspension system, you may not realize when it's been damaged.

8 December 2016

Why You Should Consider Renting A Pickup Truck

Automotive Blog

There are pickup trucks that you can rent from dealerships like Allard Rentals if you need to haul a few things around. Even if you have your own truck, you may still want to consider this option for the following reasons. You Don't Have To Worry About Decreased Value While you certainly cannot bang up the rented truck on purpose, if the truck bed gets a little scratched from moving something, that is an understandable thing and it is not something that you have to worry about.

6 December 2016